Tuesday, 31 March 2015


How can one study his motifs with such intensity that each portrait pictures a profile of increasing intimate closeness? Well, Mike Dargas (32) can. 
Mike Dargas
    Despite Dargas' young age, he has become a successful artist who works and lives in Cologne, Germany. In his 20's, Dargas already became popular by his tattoos. He had been doing road surface painting as early as the age of 11. A very talented guy, don't you think? Wait until you see his work. 

THE UNNAMED FEELING (2014)                                       ?
80 x 100 cm    
    Dargas paints realistically to canvas with oil colours. And when I say realistically, I mean REALISTICALLY. Seriously, this man is amazing! I have no idea how he does that! In every image, he seems to seek for perfection and it's like he's trying to show the viewer the soul of the model. He portrays young, old, beautiful, dark, fragile and strong people. The pictures have this calmness that is there, even though the pictures are strong. It amazes me every time.
    Dargas is probably most known for his "Honeyface" paintings. They too, are very realistic and the honey, painted in the picture, gives it some liveliness. I'll have to admit that when I first saw these paintings, I thought they were photographs. I only recognized them to portraits after I saw Dargas panting in one of the pictures.

SWEET AMBER (2015) - 150 x 100 cm - OIL ON CANVAS
140 x 220 cm
    Generally speaking, Mike Dargas is an artist, who makes large,  sensual and hyperrealistic portraits that are so close to perfection we could easily confuse them with photography.

THE ECSTASY OF GOLD (2014) - 140 x 220 cm - OIL ON CANVAS

240 words




It was a humid and bright morning when Mahi woke up. The air smelled like fresh flowers and summer. Even though it was early, the air was already incredibly hot. "Well, this is India", Mahi mumbled as he got up. He walked to the other side of the room and poured some yellowish water to the bowl that he used for washing up. He splattered some water to his face and upper torso to wash away the sleepiness. Then he put on some shorts and a t-shirt that were not very clean. He shrugged his shoulders to dismiss this thought. 
    He didn't eat anything before he exited his small and rickety hut. He nodded hello to the old lady living next door. "She's going to die soon", he thought as he walked past her. Mahi sighed to the thought of the long walk to work. He could not afford a car, or a bike or anything that could help him move faster. There was no way he could borrow money as he was already drowning in dept to the local pimp. 
     As he kept walking, his mood got brightened up as he approached a certain house. His heart began to beat faster as he reached the house. There she was. The woman of his life. Mahi could not stop to watch her even though he wanted. The father had threatened him after a very embarrassing proposal that if Mahi came back, he would kill him. This was because the girl was from a wealthier family andd her parents had no intentions to let him marry her. So he walked past the house with depressed thoughts.
    Eventually he reached his working place; a sewage cleaning office. (It was, literally, a very shitty job) He went straight to his partner, whose name he didn't even know, and they left. Luckily this day's sewage was near the office so they didn't have to walk too long in the heat. 
    When he had been cleaning the sewage for a while his boss came to tell him he'd been fired. He just came and left without answering  Mahi's questions. So Mahi left whit even more depressing thoughts. He walked through the unbearable midday heat and the air was thick from dust and exhaust fumes. He walked and walked the long way back home. He didn't even check if the girl of his dreams was in site. He'd lost his job. Now he couldn't even afford food. 
    Later that day he heard from the woman next door that the girl of his dreams had been raped and due to that, sold to prostitution. His stomach started aching and he fell to his bed. He fell asleep thinking of murdering himself because all he ever cared was gone. He felt physically sick. The pain was too much to handle, and so he slept away.

Maiju Jokihaara


Photography is something you can't describe or explain in one sentence. There are so any levels and ways to take and edit pictures that no one, I repeat, no one is able to tell you all of the. The art of photography has always been near to my heart as I'm into it myself. Have you ever thought how many pictures there are in the world? Imagine it. Billions and even more pictures have been taken and immortalized. Every picture taken is unique and there can't be two that are exactly the same. In some countries photographing in public is illegal due to a belief that it captures soul to the picture. Crazy or not? 



Meet the Author: Dana Thomas      
Watch the video in the link and answer the questions. 


  • What was John Galliano's background?
  • What was different with the clothes he made to others during his breakthrough?
  • Where did both Galliano and Mcqueens study?
  • What was extraordinary in Alexander McQueen's works?
  • Why were Galliano and McQueen both so important to the fashion industry, especially in that time?

The video was very interesting and I can't pick the most interesting thing from it. I didn't know much about these two important men before. 


You Me At Six - Room To Breathe

The song Room To Breathe is a song I've loved from the moment I heard it. It's from a band of five called You Me At Six. This song lyrics are very important to me because as an individual, you need to give yourself room to breathe, and to find some answers and clarity. 
    The song is an alternative rock song, which is one genre I listen to. The guitar riffs are great and the way every instrument has it's own purpose is awesome. The melody is catchy and is easy to sing along with. The singers voice is great and at first it's more silent, kinda fragile, but in the chorus it catches a vibe I love. And I love how it's raspy! In general, this is a very powerful song.
    The singer is Josh Franceschi and he's the leading vocalist for the band You Me At Six. Other members are Max Helyer (guitar), Chris Miller (guitar), Matt Barnes (bass) and Dan Flint (drums). Franceschi has said that the song is the only lyrically negative one in the album and that he felt very claustrophobic at that time in his life. The song was written at a confusing time, and he felt they needed a fresh start musically (they played punk pop before)

Thursday, 12 March 2015


The article "We don't need the sound of silence" is  written by Neil McGormick and is about music and it's volume, and the pros and cons that come with them. The main statement of the article is that we should listen to music for no more than an hour a day. According to McGormick this, in fact, isn't the real way to prevent hearing damages. It actually concomitants with the volume. The article includes a little bit o history and explains how nowadays we hear the same amount of music a day as our ancestors did 1000 years ago. Our music range is just more variable. McGormick warns us about the fact that world might quickly become a very quiet place without proper precautions. The modern world is loud and you yourself is the only one who can control your hearing.

Artikkeli kertoo musiikin ja sen kovuuden vaikutuksista kuuloon. Nykyään on todettu enemmän lieviä kuulovammoja kuin aikaisemmin. Maailman Terveysjärjestön mukaan musiikkia tulisi kuunnella vain tunti päivässä, jotta voitaisiin ehkäistä kuulovaurioiden syntymistä. Artikkelin kirjoittajan, Neil McGormickin mukaan tämä ei kuitenkaan pidä paikkaansa. Hänen mielestään kuulovauriot eivät liity musiikin kuunteluaikaan vaan kuuntelukovuuteen. Artikkelissa kerrotaan erilaisten meluntuottajien desibeliarvot ja mukana on myös yllättäviä tuloksia. McGormic tekee selväksi varotoimien tärkeyden, sillä maailma voi hyvin nopeasti muuttua todella hiljaiseksi paikaksi.

3. I chose the article because listening to music is a part of of my everyday life. I almost always listen to music while on the bus or when i'm doing my chores or homework. The article made me think about my listening volumes and how much noise there actually is in our world. Sometimes it is good t just let your ears rest and spent a day in a silent place (this is why Finnish summer cottages are so popular, because of the silence). All in all this was a very interesting article and i suggest you to read it. You could find it awakening.


  • Laulujen sanat = LYRICS
  • Listaykkönen = CHART-TOPPER
  • Levy = A RECORD
  • Levy-yhtiö = A RECORD LABEL
  • Keikka = A GIG
  • Tarttuva biisi = A CATCHY TUNE
  • Julkaista (levy) = RELEASE
  • Raita/kappale = A TRACK
  • Sävel = TUNE
  • Kieli/sointu + soittaa musiikkia = A STRING/ A CHORD + TO STRIKE A CHORD

Wednesday, 11 March 2015



The painting was made in 1533, during the times of very religious tension. King Henry was preparing to break from the Catholic church and the anxiety of the situation can be seen from example from the lute which has a broken string and it's harmony has been disturbed. There is a sign that the ambassadors in the picture know not to feel too proud of their expensive clothes and the range of objects show the viewer just how learned they are. They're always aware of death which can be seen from the skull that floats in front of them. The skull was typical for that time because it reminds that death will always come to us. The crucifix in the upper left corner shows that all these beautiful things will eventually crumble to dust and the only everlasting life is with God. 

There is a few variations on how to view the skull in the painting. It can be viewed from the right of the painting and is best seen at a height about a meter from the bottom of the painting. It is also possible to see from the front by using a glass cylinder like drinking glass or bottle. This is, however, not very satisfying method. The painting might also have been hang on a wall with a doorway to it's right so that the skull would have revealed itself for someone leaving the room. 

Maalaus maalattiin vuonna 1533 aikana, jolloin uskonnollinen jännittyneisyys oli suurta. Kuningas Henry valmistautui eroamaan Katolisesta kirkosta ja tilanteen levottomuus voidaan huomata esimerkiksi luutusta, jonka kieli on katkennut ja harmonia on häiriintynyt. Kuvasta voi huomata, että suurlähettiläät tievät olemaan tuntematta liikaa ylpeyttä kalliista vaatteistan ja tavaroiden kirjo näyttää katselijalle kuinka oppineita he ovatkaan.
He ovat aina tietoisia kuolemasta,jonka voi huomata kallosta, joka leijuu heidän edessään. Kallo oli tyypillinen tuolle ajalle, sillä se muistuttaa, että kuolema korjaa meidät kaikki. Vasemman yläkulman krusifixi osoittaa, että kaikki kauniit asiat lopulta murenevat pölyksi ja ainoa ikuinen elämä on Jumalan kanssa.

On muutama eri tapa katsoa maalauksen kalloa. Se voidaan nähdä oikealta sivulta ja näkyy parhaiten noin metrin korekudelta maalauksen alaosasta. Se on myös mahdollista nähdä maalauksen edestä käyttäen apuna lasista lieriötä esimerkiksi juomalasia tai lasipulloa. Tämä ei kuitenkaa ole kovin tyydyttävä menetelmä. Maalaus on myös voitu ripustaa seinälle, oviaukko oikealla puolellaan, jolloin kallo olis paljastanut itsensä huoneesta poistuvalle henkilölle.

Monday, 9 March 2015


A. Reading

  • They've been on show = Ovat olleet näytillä
  • the greatest paintings on Earth are on display at an exciting new venue = hienoimmat maalaukset maailmassa ovat näytillä uudessa jännittävässä tapahtumapaikassa
  • head off on pilgrimages = johtava pyhiinvaellus
  • the best gallery websites that give you easy and instant access to breathtaking art = parhaat galleriasivustot, jotka antavat helpon ja välittömän pääsyn henkeäsalpaavaan taiteeseen
  • It boasts a clean and clear interface with faultless translation = se tarjoaa puhtaan liittymäkohdan virheettömällä käännöksellä
  • ornate ceilings = koristeelliset katot
  • bask in awe = paistatella kunnioituksessa
  • a gem in which Richard Hamilton discusses his love of Goya. In-depth commentary allows you to delve further into = helmi, jossa Richard Hamilton keskustelee rakkaudestaan Goyaan. Syvällinen kommentointi antaa sinun kaivautua syvemmälle
  • medieval triptych = keskiaikainen siipialttarimaalaus
  • The Tate empire boasts one of the world’s best online art resources = Taten valtakunta sijaitsee yhdessä maailman parhaista online taideresursseista
  • for a fee = maksua vastaan
  • supplemented by curators’ tours = täydennetty intendentin kierroksilla
  • works in similar hues = toimii samankaltaisissa sävyissä
  • offering unprecedented access to many of the world’s greatest art collections = tarjoten ennennäkemätöntä pääsyä moniin maailman hienoimmista taidekokoelmista


Taidemuseo                    gallery
näytillä                      on display
tapahtumapaikka               venue
taideteos                     work of art
mestariteos                   masterpiece
kokoelma                      collection
valokuvaus                    photography
ääniopas                      audio guide
maalaus                       painting
omakuva                       self-portrait
veistos                       sculpture
pronssi                       bronze
kehystää                      frame
piirustus                     drawing
öljyvärimaalaus               oil colour
maalari                       painter
näyttely                      exhibition
täydentää                     supplement


What would be more delightful than a film with a love story? Well, maybe great actors making it come alive at the screen. Then add some drama and you’re good to go. This is exactly what the film “Young Victoria” is like. It’s about Queen Victoria who lived in the 18th century and is based on a true story. The actors are great and the film and the scenes have been made as accurate for that time as possible. 
    For me the most appealing thing was knowing that the main characters, Victoria and Albert, were only in their late teens, barely 18 when they first met. The movie shows how Victoria has to deal with people who are trying to dominate her under regency and how, despite her young age, Victoria manages to stand up for herself. Meeting Albert shows her that she is not alone in the world of being a chess piece that everyone moves around. They start sending letters to each other and build a very delicate relationship. Because of their young age, the story is very fallible and sometimes awkward between them. It is comparable to modern youngsters in their first attempts to have a love affair. 
    One of the most relatable things in the movie is that the people and family values are the same no matter what decade you’re in. They are dysfunctional but the bonding is still strong. Prepare yourself for mixed feelings; joy, sadness, despair and even frustration. I would recommend this movie for a hopeless romantic and for a friend of history. 

Maiju Jokihaara   


As the heading already shows you this text is for my English course. It includes both Finnish and English but feel free to read it if you want.


The Duff-elokuva kertoo lukiolaistytöstä, Bianca Piperista, joka on erityinen dorka: hän ei olekaan sosiaalisesti avuton, kuten päältä saattaisi luulla. Hän on se, joka selviää läpi lukion draamat takkanaan liika itsetietoisuus. Lyhenne "DUFF" tulee sanoista Designated Ugly Fat Friend = Määritelty Ruma Lihava Kaveri. Tuosta nimenomaisesta lyhenteestä kaikki alkaa, sillä Bianca saa selville olevansa DUFF ja päättää päästä pois nimityksestä. Elokuva sisältää draamaa, poikia, komediaa ja ihmissuhteita, kaikkea sitä, mitä elokuvalta joka sijoittuu lukioon voisi odottaa.

3a. I would love to see this film cause it's said to be very realistic. The protagonist is a funny, real and "head in the clouds" type of person who is always capable of switching from sincerity to sarcasm easily.The actress, Mae Whitman, is said to make and excellent performance in the movie. And who wouldn't like to see some high school drama?

4b. WHIPLASH: the movie is sort of a "mano y mano" between this young jazz drummer and his abusive music teacher and what are we willing to sacrifice to be the Great.

THE AMERICAN SNIPER: in the review they said it was boring and not very realistic to the actual episode of killing, family issues and post-traumatic stress which the leading character is going through. Also Bradley Cooper was not very valid for this role due to his natural charm.

TESTAMENT OF YOUTH: incredibly moving, painful and beautifully shot. It misses the sense of anger, rage and fatality that is going on in the war.

WILD: well cast, a personal growth memoir, a movie with real heart and Reese Witherspoon in great in the film.

4c. I haven't seen any of the film above yet, but I would love to see every single one of them because of their massive popularity.

5. kassamagneetti/jymymenestys = BLOCKBUSTER
lippumyymälä = BOX OFFICE
elokuvan näyttelijät = CAST
kriitikko = A CRITIC
ensiesiintyminen = DEBUT
ohjaaja = DIRECTOR
päärooli = LEADING ROLE
ensi-ilta = PREMIERE
julkaista = RELEASE
kohtaus = SCENE
käsikirjoittaja = SCREENWRITER
jatko-osa = SEQUEL
elokuvan musiikki = SOUNDTRACK
tekstitykset = SUBTITLES
jännityselokuva = THRILLER

Friday, 27 February 2015


So, this post is about a cultural destination I would like to visit. This specific destination has been Ibiza for a very, very long time. The main reasons are warmth, nightlife and the island itself. Ibiza is primarily known for its party scene but it's surprising how much you can do in this small island.

   Ibiza is a small island in the Mediterranean Sea and it belongs to Spain, though it is an autonomous community. 

I first came across with Ibiza when three years ago I saw a Youtube video where a pair of twins explore the island for a day. That video made me interested in Ibiza, not because of its well know nightlife but because its beautiful nature and culture. And I didn't know it was a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Did you? Companies and artists alike frequently use the island for photographic and film shoots, because of it's rustic beauty. There are many historical buildings and sites for a cultural person to explore and a lot of clubs and beaches for young adults and party animals. As many travelers already know, Ibiza isn't just a party island, it's also a perfect resort for families and activity or culture lovers. 
(this club would probably get me
    About the nightlife. There are multiple highly rated clubs on the island. These clubs and the riotous and legendary nightlife is centered on two areas: Ibiza Town (the island's capital) and San Antoni. The most famous clubs are probably Privilege, Amnesia (what an appropriate name haha), Space, Pacha, Es Paradís, West End San Antonio and Café Del Mar (Sunset Bar). Café Del Mar is very well-known for it's amazing view of the sunset and varying chill-out music.
Café Del Mar
You can get a table or sit on the beach watching sunset whilst enjoying your overpriced drink. Most people say it's an iconic and must-go place so I certainly won't miss it during my visit. In general all of the clubs mentioned above are somewhat iconic but unfortunately there's one flaw: their prices are sh*tty. In the worst case even getting in can cost you 50 euros... So I recommend eating bread for the whole time if you want to party every night, hah! 

The Egg
    Luckily there are other things to do. You can rent a car and explore the beautiful island or the popular tourist attractions, for example "God's Finger", the remains of the first Phoenicians settlement or "The Egg" erected in honour of Christopher Columbus (Ibiza is one of the places purporting to be his birthplace).
Most likely I would rent an ATV and drive around the island (insipired by the twins). There are also many water activities for you to enjoy. Most of the larger beaches have kiosks where you can rent pedaloes and have a go on a banana boat. You can do all sorts of watersports, including, sailing, windsurfing, parasailing, kayaking and if you feel a little adventurous, waterskiing or jetskiing. You can also go surfing, scuba-diving or visit a water park. For me, nothing seems to be missing for a water beast. Everything's on point.
    In spite of accommodation, Ibiza Rocks Hotel is like a dream. Get a perfect room for you with a site to the pool in the middle of the hotel, have drinks and food from the bars and enjoy the music and laid-back atmosphere. By night the hotel transforms into the home of the island's hottest live events: the world famous gigs which tickets are included to the price of your Hotel booking. Amazing.
Ibiza Rocks Hotel
The Hotel is the leading live music promoter in Ibiza and bands, artists and DJ's like Arctic Monkeys, Calvin Harris, Bastille, The Kooks, London Grammar, Florence & the Machine, Ed sheeran, Disclosure, Ellie Goulding, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs, Two Door Cinema Club and Alt-J have played at the stage and the list of great artists goes on and on! As I said earlier it's a dream with cool accommodation and poolside vibes. Price is of course on the higher side but it's affordable and the experience makes it totally worth it.

    I have decided that someday i will go there, no matter what. I recently turned 18 and that got me closer to this dream. I will probably need to wait until i'm over 20 cause this trip will cost a lot of money. I once discussed about this with one of my friends and we have made it very clear to each other that this will happen. Live, relive, regret.


               The video that made me interested in Ibiza (I saw it 3 years ago and 
                                            it's not that glorious anymore

I don't own any of the photos or videos

Sunday, 8 February 2015


According to the Urban Dictionary, fluorescent adolescent is a child who, through overexposure to television, movies and music, grows up too quickly and without substance. By the time they are around 13 they believe they are ready for sex, alcohol, and drugs. They later feel remorse for the childhood that they skipped over. Though this is not me, the reason why I picked this name for my blog is that we live in a world where things mentioned before are true and currently happening. Also, it's a song I really enjoy listening. It's about a woman, who has seen her best days and her marriage has run into a point when almost all the glory is gone and the woman feels miserable and wants to feel the glory again. "Landed in a very common crisis" right?
   Enough about the name. Let's move on to a better topic, me. Just kidding. Haha. Anyway I'm 18 years old and live in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. I play football in Helsingin Palloseura (HPS) and we play in the 1st division. What I really enjoy doing, is listening and music. I've been told that what I most speak of is football and music. Must be true then. And for me, people look the prettiest when they talk about something they really love with passion in their eyes.  I read a lot, speak a lot and think a lot. I like spending time alone, just don't get me wrong here, I'm not lonely. I'm actually an extrovert. I like fashion, spending time with my friends, adventure and living life the fullest. Life's short is what they say anyway. (Actually not. It's the longest shit any of us will ever experience)
   Now a little sneak peak into my blog. I'm gonna be writing this for my English course. Never written a blog before so let's see how things turn out. The topics are gonna be varying from the boring stuff that floats in my mind to the most exciting things that happens to me. Of course some topics come from my teacher but I'd love to write more after this.
But I'm not gonna be blabbering anymore so you don't get bored. I'm leaving some interesting stuff to the end of this post so be sure to check 'em out. Enjoy.

Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent

