Tuesday, 31 March 2015




It was a humid and bright morning when Mahi woke up. The air smelled like fresh flowers and summer. Even though it was early, the air was already incredibly hot. "Well, this is India", Mahi mumbled as he got up. He walked to the other side of the room and poured some yellowish water to the bowl that he used for washing up. He splattered some water to his face and upper torso to wash away the sleepiness. Then he put on some shorts and a t-shirt that were not very clean. He shrugged his shoulders to dismiss this thought. 
    He didn't eat anything before he exited his small and rickety hut. He nodded hello to the old lady living next door. "She's going to die soon", he thought as he walked past her. Mahi sighed to the thought of the long walk to work. He could not afford a car, or a bike or anything that could help him move faster. There was no way he could borrow money as he was already drowning in dept to the local pimp. 
     As he kept walking, his mood got brightened up as he approached a certain house. His heart began to beat faster as he reached the house. There she was. The woman of his life. Mahi could not stop to watch her even though he wanted. The father had threatened him after a very embarrassing proposal that if Mahi came back, he would kill him. This was because the girl was from a wealthier family andd her parents had no intentions to let him marry her. So he walked past the house with depressed thoughts.
    Eventually he reached his working place; a sewage cleaning office. (It was, literally, a very shitty job) He went straight to his partner, whose name he didn't even know, and they left. Luckily this day's sewage was near the office so they didn't have to walk too long in the heat. 
    When he had been cleaning the sewage for a while his boss came to tell him he'd been fired. He just came and left without answering  Mahi's questions. So Mahi left whit even more depressing thoughts. He walked through the unbearable midday heat and the air was thick from dust and exhaust fumes. He walked and walked the long way back home. He didn't even check if the girl of his dreams was in site. He'd lost his job. Now he couldn't even afford food. 
    Later that day he heard from the woman next door that the girl of his dreams had been raped and due to that, sold to prostitution. His stomach started aching and he fell to his bed. He fell asleep thinking of murdering himself because all he ever cared was gone. He felt physically sick. The pain was too much to handle, and so he slept away.

Maiju Jokihaara

1 comment:

  1. Maiju, this is a VERY good text! You create a real, vivid story and the reader can actually see and smell the surroundings!
